Of building a boat Francis says, "Once I dream it, I can build it."
Ben Goddard, more than a decade younger, is a cousin once removed, or a second cousin, but more importantly another respected Goddard boat builder of Piney Point.
Piney Point, until the 1980s, was primarily a fishing village and settled in the horizontal traditions of cousins and clans rather than the more vertical father to son set ups. The sweeps of various European cultures across America had clannish, horizontal systems forming the Appalachians, more Scottish than British. And bits of this fell throughout St. Mary's.
Good thing. Ben isn't one for dreaming but for the practicality of the minimal disruption to reach the maximum goal. Where Francis wields a chain saw, Ben will hone a piece of wood into its cradle. And cousins respect cousins. And the same with boat builders.
In the photo above of Francis he is creating a template. In the photo below of Ben he is sawing and planing the new right cheek of the keel.
The collaboration has worked well. The captain remains calm and pleased. Phew.
In the video posted http://justbeforeitsgone.blogspot.com/2010/06/chiseling-out-center-keel.html Jack shows where the center keel and its starboard (right) cheek have been removed. The Coast Guard visited later that week and met with Jack, Francis, Ben and Surveyor Michael Previti. The determination was to also replace the left cheek as well. This was the concurrence of the Coast Guard, Shipwrights, Surveyor and Captain.
This final third of the boat's spine can't be removed until both the new center keel and right cheek, which makes sense to me.
Work on the center and starboard cheek continues.
All these photos were shot by Jackie. Thanks!
I have a dream which brought me to this sight. I want to build a scrape approx. 20' powered by a small motor. Not sure what I'm going to do with it when I'm done, but I cant get the build out of my head unless I complete it.